

Zerva Napoleon 8


Zerva Napoleon 8

Frequently Asked Questions

H Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry which deals with the arrangement of the teeth in the dental arch and with the guidance of the jaws in harmonious positions between them, with the aim to restore the proper functioning of the mouth and the aesthetics of the face.
This is one of the recognized specialties of dentistry compared with all similar specialties of medicine. For the practice of orthodontics is required in addition to the knowledge of general dental practitioners, specialist knowledge, which is obtained after the diploma of the School of Dentistry in integrated graduate university programs of domestic or foreign.

Orthodontic treatment is necessary in cases with dental, skeletal and functional abnormalities of the mouth. The orthodontist is required to achieve in the case of one or more of the following objectives:

a) Proper function of the mouth (mastication, speech).

(b) Facilitating oral hygiene, resulting in fewer future problems in the teeth and gums and a longer duration of their stay in the mouth.

(c) Facilitating the general dentist and other specialists as well as better prognosis in the performance of dental work (fillings, bridges, dentures, treatment of gingival and periodontal) with the arrangement of the teeth and the functional rehabilitation of the mouth.

(d) Limitation likelihood of fractures teeth, in particular, when this view out of the lips, especially in young people.

(e)Limitation probability of occurrence of problems in the temporomandibular joint, i.e. the connection area of the lower jaw with the skull.

(f) a Beautiful smile and a pleasant face, thus enhancing the self-confidence of the person.

  • Dental problems

Teeth for various reasons, do not have the correct positions on the bone base, with the result appearing crowded with spaces or corners. Usually these problems are not visible when the mouth is closed.

  • Skeletal problems

The jaws have not grown in harmony with each other, with an impact on oral function and facial aesthetics. The aim of orthodontic treatment is the improvement of the positions of the teeth and the harmony of the face.

  • A combination of dental and skeletal problems

The patient presents with a combination of dental and skeletal problems, which have an impact not only in the region of the mouth, but also in the appearance of the face. The improvement with the help of orthodontic treatment is evident.

  • Hereditary factors

As a hereditary factor can be considered the case in which the child has to inherit big teeth from the father and the small jaws of the mother, with the result that the teeth don't fit and intense crowding. It refers to the terminology of Orthodontics as a cross-inheritance’.

  • Environmental or επίκτητοι factors

As environmental factors are characterized several non-physiological habits such as mouth breathing, breastfeeding of a finger or tongue, biting nails or foreign objects (pencils), causing the teeth to migrate and disrupting the harmonious relationship of the jaws with a direct impact on the aesthetics of the face.

  • Premature loss of deciduous teeth or τερηδονισμό them

Another condition, which often causes orthodontic problems are premature loss of baby teeth from tooth decay. This is because, due to the movement of the adjacent tooth is lost, the space, the children's teeth should be maintain until the eruption of permanent teeth. So when the time comes to dawn, the permanent, there is not enough space, resulting in a crowding or other related problems.

  • Harmful habits

Various habits of children is often the causes of abnormalities of the development of the teeth and mouth. Such habits is the oral breathing (often associated with extra-large tonsils, adenoids, chronic asthma, allergic conditions), gnashing of teeth, the pressure of the tongue, biting the bottom lip, nails or foreign objects (pencils, gums, etc.), the one-sided chewing, breastfeeding of a finger etc.

  • Ages under 7 years old

Preventive orthodontics, which is applied in small ages, it faces problems, such as premature loss of baby teeth, prolonged breast-feeding of a finger, and promotion of the language. The timely placement mechanisms for the conservation area, in the cases of early loss of baby teeth, it prevents some of the future problems of crowding.In the cases of breastfeeding of the finger and promotion of the language, is possible with the proper guidance of parents and child to disrupt the habits of these, without the need for placement of orthodontic appliances.

  • Ages 7-9 years old

The repressive orthodontics usually begins at the age of 7-9 years. The purpose is to halt the development of skeletal jaw discrepancies, asymmetry of the face or dental problems which, without timely treatment will worsen. The restoration of symmetry in the face and in the mouth after the repressive intervention is evident.

  • Ages 9+

Restorative orthodontics, finally, aims to cure the already existing problems in children or adults, and its beginning is decided by the orthodontist, depending on the type of problem and the stage of dental and skeletal development of the child.





  1. A greater chance of avoiding extraction of permanent teeth.
  2. Better control of skeletal problems since before puberty the orthodontist can control and affect skeletal growth.
  3. A better response of the tissue to the treatment.
  4. A greater degree of customization of the young patients in the mechanisms and better cooperation.
  5. Proceedings of the easier treatment, due to fewer obligations of the children of the City from those of the Junior high and high School.
  6. The younger kids are not ashamed of, and generally don't have the inhibitions of the largest.
  7. When treatment begins early in adolescence has become almost finished and adolescents have increased self-confidence, due to the better appearance of the mouth and face in general.
  8. In adult patients, in which the skeleton has now been formed, led more frequently in treatments with exports of permanent teeth, or when there are skeletal problems is needed, maybe some surgery.
  • Freeze mechanisms – brackets

The well-known to all of braces. Rubber o-rings, elastic chains or special springs, which are placed in conjunction with the arcs, which connect the metal or ceramic braces, causing movement precision in the teeth in the desired direction. Used at any age and have absolute indication, at any time it is necessary to move precision of some or all of the teeth.

  • Technical transparent ναρθηκών

A method is promising that the orthodontist will determine whether it is applicable to you, and is an alternative for those who don't want to get braces.
The patient during the treatment wears a series of transparent aligners, which are made specifically for each patient. These trays to gradually move the teeth and offer excellent aesthetics as it does not appear when somebody wears.
The advantages of the technique beyond the aesthetic mechanism is that the patient adapts more easily to the new oral environment compared to conventional braces, and also facilitate oral hygiene during treatment, since these trays come out and the patient to brush his teeth better than with conventional braces that can't be removed.

  • Operating machinery

Is it movable or fixed appliances used to correct skeletal problems in case that the orthodontist seeks guidance, stimulation or inhibition of growth of the jaws. Are indicated in small children, but mainly in the preadolescent and adolescent age. The mobile operating machinery is used at night and a few hours of the day while the real estate, because it is consistently adapted to the teeth, they can't be removed by the child.

The advantage of mobile mechanisms against the property is cleaned easily and can be removed for more comfortable chewing. The fact, however, that are deducted at will, is in uncooperative children a serious disadvantage.

  • Mechanisms of enlargement

These are devices that are used to change the shape of the dental arches. Include mobile plates enlargement that should be in your mouth day and night, and stationary mechanisms of enlargement that is permanently attached to the teeth.

  • Εξωστοματικά machinery

These are supported by elastic straps on the neck or on the head, and used, either in orthodontic problems, ensuring the teeth of the space that is missing, in either skeletal problems achieving a solicitation or an inhibition of the growth of the jaws.

  • Orthodontic μικροεμφυτεύματα

In orthodontics to move a tooth using other teeth in the same or in the opposite jaw. But, as a rule, the props are sometimes other grade unwanted movement. And while in some cases this movement of the stud does not pose any problem, there are some other cases, then, the movement has a dramatic impact. In cases where we want to minimize any movement of the stud we use various machines such as an extra-oral.
In the development of Orthodontics, and with the objective of maximizing the support they have devised the so-called orthodontic implants which provide invaluable and irreplaceable alternative since they offer the so-called full support. These implants that have been developed based on the experience of General Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery is relatively very small, with a length of a few millimeters, they are placed and removed after the end of the movement very easily. Due to the small size of the can even be placed between the teeth in the side of the rim or on the side of the palate.

  • Mechanisms of maintenance of effect

After removal of cellular mechanisms, it is necessary to maintain the effect for a period, which shall, where appropriate, the orthodontist. This is done with the mobile or stationary retentive mechanisms. The consequence of the patient at this stage is crucial because it ensures the treatment of possible recurrences.


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